Advocates / Legal Consultants

Contact us:
+357 25 376919
Hermes S Stylianides LLC
3 Michael Koutsofta Street
P.O. Box 56202
CY - 3305 Limassol, Cyprus.

Phone: +357 25 376919
Fax: +357 25 340806
Email: info@hermeslaw.com

Real Estate

Your Goals

The reasons for purchasing real estate in Cyprus may be varied. You might wish to:

Or, if you prefer a shorter commitment, you may want to lease a property for business or personal use.

We can help you accomplish these goals, easing the legal formalities of the process whilst protecting you against possible pitfalls right up to the acquisition of legal titles.

Our Expertise

We have a vast experience in handling the entire process of property rights' acquisition including:

In addition, we can assist with the documentary aspects of

Useful Resources

Department of Land and Surveys

Web Portal of the Republic of Cyprus, Land and Property